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Jan 2024

As we leave 2023 behind, senior leaders are eager for a fresh start. Despite the challenges of last year, the pursuit of growth remains a focal point this year across industries. While business leaders still deal with the challenges of market turbulence and fierce competition, remember: disruption thrives in challenging moments. With that mindset, we offer five critical strategies to unlock growth. 

Source: Prophet

Jan 2024

Most B2B marketers say they should be driving the customer-acquisition machine, yet 62% say their lead gen and engagement strategy underperforms! Millions of dollars are being wasted on misguided “spray and pray” campaigns. 

Source: CMO Council

Jan 2024

Now, more than ever, lines are being blurred across the C-suite, and CMOs can carve out a role as innovator, strategist and growth-driver. The modern CMO weaves their influence through the fabric of the C-suite, strategically supporting all facets of the business. From working with the CEO to tell your company's story, to activating new tech capabilities with the CIO, you thrive as the driving force behind reinvention. Prioritize collaboration with each and every member of the C-suite who interacts with your customer.

Source: PWC

Jan 2024

Every solid sales strategy starts with a forecast. Your sales forecast is the best way to see what’s coming into your pipeline and what isn’t, while you still have time to change the outcome.

Source: Salesforce

Jan 2024

Evaluate the total addressable market to find new opportunities. Are there areas you haven’t previously considered? What industries are on the rise? Take time to look beyond what’s worked in the past, and consider how else your products can be used or marketed to take advantage of those buyers.

Source: Salesforce

Jan 2024

It's essential to recognize that the challenges surrounding AI implementation are not insurmountable. Instead, they serve as valuable lessons for leaders and organizations to refine their strategies and better prepare for the AI-driven future. Leaders can unlock AI's true potential and pave the way for a more productive and innovative workplace.

Source: BPI Network

Jan 2024

A growth marketing strategy might sound like a redundant concept to brands. However, growth marketing involves going beyond the basics of simply attracting customers to the top of your funnel of generating awareness. Instead, growth marketing paves the way for sustainable development.

Source: Growth Collective

Jan 2024

Big consumer packaged goods manufacturers can choose to drive innovation just like startups. They can choose to take seemingly smaller and riskier bets based on consumer insight and an “informed gut.” They can choose to make their riskiest ideas real through small-scale testing where consumers can show them the value of that idea through the act of purchasing.

Source: BPI Network

Jan 2024

Growth marketing is often a combination of art and science. It is about connecting with your audience on a deeper level, leveraging their emotions, interests, and sometimes even their fears.

Source: Growth Collective

Oct 2022

CMO Council research conducted in 2022, in partnership with BrandMuscle, examines the relationship between national brands and their local partner channel networks, including effectiveness, challenges, opportunities, digital marketing tactics, etc.

Source: CMO Council

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